View Full Version : Cara nak buat like page di Blogspot

14-07-13, 11:33 PM
Salam.. KOrang, aku baru jer mendalami dunia blog and puas aku google arini, tp masih lagi x menjadi aku nk letak facebook page like kat blog tu..
Otai bloggers tlg laa bantu aku nie..hehe

Aku nak bt macam nie, seperti yg kat gambar nie..



Please help me.. jgn kedekut ilmu tau..hehe :redface-new:

Esther Takumi
14-07-13, 11:43 PM
Summon Lolly :lol:

lolly lilly
15-07-13, 12:26 AM
1st, dh ada facebook page x? Kalo da ada, pegi sini --> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/
Then, da siap buat sume tu, klik get code, plih url n g kt blog anda, plih add widget, html n letak la widget tu kt mna2 yg nk..

15-07-13, 04:33 AM
wah... dah berjaya... tq so much lolly... ;)

tp ade sikit yg laen, aku x ambik yg url, tp aku ambik yg i frame mcm dlm gmbr nie..hehe
sbb bila aku guna yg url dia x kluar pape..


Nie lah blog aku, tah pape aku buat nie.. saje nk cuba2 bermain ngan blog, baru jer 3 post..hihi

http://aznaztech.blogspot.com/ (http://aznaztech.blogspot.com/)


lolly lilly
15-07-13, 08:41 AM
welkem~ :o
owh yeke, lain blog lain cara kot~ hee~ sbb rmai yg guna html5 n url, iframe tataw pula~ btw, gudluck~ :o

16-07-13, 02:09 AM
hahaha.. baru berjinak2 laa sham... :P
camne ekk nak atasi masalah tu..?? :D

16-07-13, 02:16 AM
death0304http://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/crown.png...content overflow



problem solved... terima kasih atas teguran membina itu.. :victorious:

19-07-13, 02:14 PM
welkem~ :o
owh yeke, lain blog lain cara kot~ hee~ sbb rmai yg guna html5 n url, iframe tataw pula~ btw, gudluck~ :o

The Banana Song Human Version [video] (http://aznaztech.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-banana-song-human-version.html)bro, kenape ekk video youtube yg aku post jd kecik.. xbest laa org nk tgk kalau kecik, cuba tgk contoh banana song tu..

lolly lilly
19-07-13, 03:41 PM
The Banana Song Human Version [video] (http://aznaztech.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-banana-song-human-version.html)

bro, kenape ekk video youtube yg aku post jd kecik.. xbest laa org nk tgk kalau kecik, cuba tgk contoh banana song tu..
brother cuma taw buat cara manual je~
pergi edit post, klik html, cri part video youtube tu~
normal blog video post akn kelihatan mcm ni -->

<param name="movie" value="http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/cBHgbrumuRU&source=uds" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed width="320" height="266"

cri value youtube tu mcm kt atas, yg di highlight kn dgn kaler merah tu, edit ikot value yg dikehendaki, pastikan width x lebih dr body size.
preview before save, this to make sure html anda xkn berubah n menyukarkn lg krja editing okeh~

lolly lilly
20-07-13, 12:11 AM
lolly lillyhttp://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/moderator.png, sis or bro?...http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0006.gif
:lol: teka la brother~ :lol:

catq ci
20-07-13, 11:08 AM
Hye assalamualaikum

20-07-13, 04:23 PM
lolly lillyhttp://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/moderator.png, sis or bro?...http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0006.gif

:lol: teka la brother~ :lol:

jawapan dia ialah....................... half-half..hahaha :P

20-07-13, 04:24 PM
Hye assalamualaikum

Waalaikummusslam.. selamat dtg ke syok.org..

lolly lilly
20-07-13, 11:46 PM
jgn nk kinda2 sgt la pokcik sH@m... :lol:

21-07-13, 12:19 AM
Sikit punya posing nak letak avatar tu, boleh lak dikatanya half2...tak patut tak patut...http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/red-neck-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif

hah..?? itu gmbr dia ke..? klau camni aku pon nk berkenalan lbh rapat..hehe

death0304http://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/crown.png, problem dah solved ke?
belom solved lg, belom cuba lg cara adik lolly tomey2..hahaha

jgn nk kinda2 sgt la pokcik sH@m... :lol:
eh, btl ke tu profile anda lolly my dear intan payung.. (tibe2 bermadah pujangga..hahaha:bodek:)

21-07-13, 12:42 AM
brother cuma taw buat cara manual je~
pergi edit post, klik html, cri part video youtube tu~
normal blog video post akn kelihatan mcm ni -->

cri value youtube tu mcm kt atas, yg di highlight kn dgn kaler merah tu, edit ikot value yg dikehendaki, pastikan width x lebih dr body size.
preview before save, this to make sure html anda xkn berubah n menyukarkn lg krja editing okeh~

dah berjaya... terima kasih byk lolly syg... hahahahahaha :highly_amused:

21-07-13, 01:23 AM
dah berjaya... terima kasih byk lolly syg... hahahahahaha :highly_amused:

aip2. print screen bg awek ko kang. :guling:

21-07-13, 04:04 AM

aip2. print screen bg awek ko kang. :guling:

korang support laa aku, aku nk ngorat loolly lolipop nie...hahaha :victorious:

22-07-13, 05:36 AM
Salam lolly & Sham, tahu x camne nak buat komen blog guna fb comment..

cth mcm website ni..


lolly lilly
22-07-13, 06:01 AM
Sikit punya posing nak letak avatar tu, boleh lak dikatanya half2...tak patut tak patut...http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/red-neck-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif

Salam lolly & Sham, tahu x camne nak buat komen blog guna fb comment..

cth mcm website ni..


Cara yg sma mcm sbelom ni, g cni --> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/ (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/)

Then, lgkah2 nye sama mcm nk buat like fb sbelom ni, pastikan width ikot size body, kalo x nnti x chanteq~~ :o

31-07-13, 07:58 PM
Salam sH@m (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?127916-sH-m) n lolly lilly...

Terima kasih atas pelajaran yang sebelom nie.. Sekarang nk tnyer berkenaan camne nk buat "Read more" kat blog, bnda simple pon aku nie x reti, bt malu jer..hehe :D

N then lagi satu camne nk letak random 5 similar post nie kat bawah setiap post..
contoh mcm kat gmbr bwh nie..


lolly lilly
31-07-13, 11:42 PM
Waalaikumussalam, yg random post tu, boley g kt linkwithin ■ http://www.linkwithin.com/learn?ref=widget ■

untuk yg see more, cara mudah dlu lolly bg eh,
caranya, pergi kt mana2 post yg nk buat see more tu, pastu plih ■ INSERT JUMP BREAK ■ (dye sebaris dgn type font, size font, color, sebelah insert video )

example, mcm isi post tu ada 100 ayat/baris
pergi la ke baris ke-4/5 then klik ■ INSERT JUMP BREAK ■ jd, ble kte da update post tu, had mna yg kte letak jumpbreak tu, had tu jela yg akan keluar kt homepage..

tp yg leceh jumpbreak ni dye kne buat 1 1, utk sume post..
cbe la dlu ye~
kalo x oke, nnti lolly bgtaw step utk html version k~ :o

06-08-13, 05:19 PM
salam,kalau nak buat pop up yg suruh like page kita time bukak sites kita tu mcam mana ek?

#like post aku untuk notify :)

lolly lilly
07-08-13, 01:22 AM
salam,kalau nak buat pop up yg suruh like page kita time bukak sites kita tu mcam mana ek?

#like post aku untuk notify :)

contoh mcm kat atas~
ni cara mudah,
Add gadget --> HTML/javascript widget --> copy html di bawah n save

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<p style=" float:right; margin-right:35px; font-size:9px;" >Powered By <a style=" font-size:9px; color:#3B78CD; text-decoration:none;" href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com">Blogger Widgets</a></p>
kaler biru, tukar kepada feedburner blog.. "tntbystc" tukar kpd blog feed title..

kaler merah, tukar kepada address facebook yg nk di like..

kaler hijo, tukar ikot ayat sendiri, ayat yg disukai le kiranya~

kaler pink " *30 * = kekerapan yg kte nk, kalo 30 means 30 hri kmudian bru dye muncul, kiranya sebulan skali la, kalo 1 means tiap2 hri, jd bg yg slalu masok tiap2 hri tu mgkin akan rsa a little bit annoying la~

- save n letak kt sidebar. Done!

lolly lilly
07-08-13, 01:39 AM
pape boley cek kt cni je GOOGLE (http://www.google.com/webhp?source=search_app#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=be66d6e0b51b7086&q=popup+like+facebook+jquery+to+blogger+-+v2).. byk cara sbenarnya.. :peace:

07-08-13, 07:16 AM

contoh mcm kat atas~
ni cara mudah,
Add gadget --> HTML/javascript widget --> copy html di bawah n save

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kaler biru, tukar kepada feedburner blog.. "tntbystc" tukar kpd blog feed title..

kaler merah, tukar kepada address facebook yg nk di like..

kaler hijo, tukar ikot ayat sendiri, ayat yg disukai le kiranya~

kaler pink " *30 * = kekerapan yg kte nk, kalo 30 means 30 hri kmudian bru dye muncul, kiranya sebulan skali la, kalo 1 means tiap2 hri, jd bg yg slalu masok tiap2 hri tu mgkin akan rsa a little bit annoying la~

- save n letak kt sidebar. Done!

pape boley cek kt cni je GOOGLE (http://www.google.com/webhp?source=search_app#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=be66d6e0b51b7086&q=popup+like+facebook+jquery+to+blogger+-+v2).. byk cara sbenarnya.. :peace:

thanks lolik :lol: tapi tak paham yg warna biru tu..feedburner tu apa?

*kalau rajin buat kat bllog PTMC sekali :lol:

13-08-13, 11:07 AM
Sekarang ni ada teknik lagi mudah untuk mendapatkan LIKE secara mudah dan pantas dengan menggunakan platform Blogger & Wordpress. Visitor klik mana2 je, automatik like fanpage kita. Harga dia RM 45 je kalau xsilap saya. Berbaloi sangat

info lanjut klik sini
>> http://bit.ly/likewarriorblogspot (utk pengguna blogspot)
>> http://bit.ly/likewarriorwordpress (utk pengguna wordpress)
>> http://bit.ly/likewarriordemo (nak tengok live DEMO?)

lolly lilly
13-08-13, 12:15 PM
Sekarang ni ada teknik lagi mudah untuk mendapatkan LIKE secara mudah dan pantas dengan menggunakan platform Blogger & Wordpress. Visitor klik mana2 je, automatik like fanpage kita. Harga dia RM 45 je kalau xsilap saya. Berbaloi sangat

info lanjut klik sini
>> http://bit.ly/likewarriorblogspot (utk pengguna blogspot)
>> http://bit.ly/likewarriorwordpress (utk pengguna wordpress)
>> http://bit.ly/likewarriordemo (nak tengok live DEMO?)
x mcm spam or virus ke tu? :confused:

18-08-13, 11:28 PM
Waalaikumussalam, yg random post tu, boley g kt linkwithin ■ http://www.linkwithin.com/learn?ref=widget ■

untuk yg see more, cara mudah dlu lolly bg eh,
caranya, pergi kt mana2 post yg nk buat see more tu, pastu plih ■ INSERT JUMP BREAK ■ (dye sebaris dgn type font, size font, color, sebelah insert video )

example, mcm isi post tu ada 100 ayat/baris
pergi la ke baris ke-4/5 then klik ■ INSERT JUMP BREAK ■ jd, ble kte da update post tu, had mna yg kte letak jumpbreak tu, had tu jela yg akan keluar kt homepage..

tp yg leceh jumpbreak ni dye kne buat 1 1, utk sume post..
cbe la dlu ye~
kalo x oke, nnti lolly bgtaw step utk html version k~ :o

lolly.. terima kasih atas tutorial yg amat berguna ni.. u r very helpfull to me ^_^

erm, lolly, nk tnya sikit lagi blh..?? Camne nk change ayat yg ade dlm kotak merah nie ekk.??


lolly lilly
19-08-13, 09:50 AM
lolly.. terima kasih atas tutorial yg amat berguna ni.. u r very helpfull to me ^_^
erm, lolly, nk tnya sikit lagi blh..?? Camne nk change ayat yg ade dlm kotak merah nie ekk.??

Owh, ayat yang "anda juga mungkin meminati" tu eh? :lol:
pergi edit html linkwithin tu, n tambah ayat ni :

<script>linkwithin_text='SAYANG ADA DIMANA'</script>

yang ayat merah tu ayat kte sendiri taw~
contohnya mcm gmbar kt bawah ni

lolly lilly
19-08-13, 09:57 AM
yg overall tu sama dgn read more eh?
buat mcm ni je,



edit bahagian post page link text tu~ :o

kalo x boley, kne edit kt html dye la maksudnya~

19-08-13, 12:37 PM
Thanks so much Lolly.. u help me so much.. <3 :D
btw, cara diatas menjadi..tq3..

Lolly, fb kau ape ekk..?? add blh..?

19-08-13, 11:48 PM
Lolly, camne ekk kau bt cite naruto tu jadi installer..?? leh ajar x..? :D

lolly lilly
21-08-13, 01:14 AM
Citer naruto jd installer? Citer naruto mna incik death?

21-08-13, 01:18 AM
cite naruto yg ade kat blog nie... http://stk-deus.blogspot.com/2013/06/naruto-shippuden.html

kan dia kena install n then dia extract by itself..

lolly lilly
21-08-13, 08:10 AM
cite naruto yg ade kat blog nie... http://stk-deus.blogspot.com/2013/06/naruto-shippuden.html

kan dia kena install n then dia extract by itself..
owh yang tu~ yg tu mr.Takumi uploader nye~ jd kne seru Esther Takumihttp://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/moderator.png (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?432913-Esther-Takumi)~ :lol:

21-08-13, 02:50 PM
Esther Takumihttp://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/moderator.png (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?432913-Esther-Takumi) please datang kasi tunjuk ajar ku sifu..hehe

Esther Takumi
21-08-13, 03:22 PM
Install macam biasa, macam Software lerlain, dia akan auto extract video tu..

21-08-13, 08:42 PM
Esther Takumi (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?432913-Esther-Takumi), nak belajar camne nak buat installer tu blh x..?? :joyous:

Esther Takumi
21-08-13, 09:17 PM
Try cari dalam Syok nih, rasanya Shuffle ada buka thread tutorial..

22-08-13, 02:48 AM
Try cari dalam Syok nih, rasanya Shuffle ada buka thread tutorial..

Tajuk nk search..?? blh bg klu sikit x..hehe :D

22-08-13, 03:08 AM

mcm kenal fanpage ni .... hehehehehehehehehe

Esther Takumi
22-08-13, 10:39 AM
SFX ke Taku?

Yups, SFX Archive..

Esther Takumi
22-08-13, 10:40 AM
Tajuk nk search..?? blh bg klu sikit x..hehe :D

Taku pun dah tak ingat..

Edit: Rasanya Tuan tanah dah delete.. Cari tak jumpa..

Boleh refer sini

22-08-13, 05:00 PM

mcm kenal fanpage ni .... hehehehehehehehehe

Kau punyer ke Are-lock-Stuckhttp://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/filedonator.png (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?408011-Are-lock-Stuck)..?? bila nk add aku...hihi :D

22-08-13, 05:09 PM
Taku pun dah tak ingat..

Edit: Rasanya Tuan tanah dah delete.. Cari tak jumpa..

Boleh refer sini

Thanks so much taku.. :)

22-08-13, 05:28 PM
Kau punyer ke Are-lock-Stuckhttp://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/filedonator.png (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?408011-Are-lock-Stuck)..?? bila nk add aku...hihi :D

hehehehehehe....unknown admin ...hehehehe

22-08-13, 05:46 PM
haha.. pemalu btl admin nie :P :D page aku @aznaztech dh like page tu, klau sudi like lah blk yer.. tp x pksa..hehe :wink-new:

22-08-13, 10:09 PM
dah like dah....hehehehe..support member2

02-09-13, 10:57 PM
Lolly, camne ekk nak buat tab mcm nie kat dalam posting kita, nampak kemas dan tersusun skit..


ataupon lolly tgk sini http://www.ovagames.com/divinity-dragon-commander-flt.html