View Full Version : lupa current password notebook acer.

25-12-12, 01:27 PM
salam smua, mcm mane nak reset current password acer aspire 4250.

25-12-12, 01:48 PM
password apa yg xdak nye....?windows?or hdd or bios ko setkan pass?

25-12-12, 01:57 PM
Nih mesti kes BIOS password lar nih...Aku paling nyampah bila sesetengah company letak password kat BIOS...
Ntuk nih aku xder solution...Aku pun xtau cmna nk atasi masalah nih...Tunggu otai2 lain bagi pendapat..aku pun nk tau gak :lol:

25-12-12, 02:02 PM
klau window punya prob nak bypass senang je lar :lol: anytime leh ajr..klau bios..(kepak mobo kot :lol: )

25-12-12, 02:57 PM
Hmm...Kalo bawa kuar CMOS bateri tuh xpasti leh clear password ker x..
Xpernah buat experiment lagi.. Cuba lar...Mana lar tau kot2 boleh :lol:

25-12-12, 02:58 PM
:guling:kalau reset bateri CMOS tu agak2 menjadi tak:guling:?

25-12-12, 07:17 PM
Another one program is also very important we will need called: “CmosPwd” - CmosPwd is a cmos/bios password recovery tool. CmosPwd is under GNU Public License. You can freely distribute it. It can be compiled under Dos, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD (http://viglink.pgpartner.com/rd.php?r=9450&m=989961589&q=n&rdgt=1356359119&it=1356531919&et=1356963919&priceret=15.00&pg=~~3&k=709d2e6b32cb85844241a893c7eef820&source=feed&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftracking%2Esearchmarketing%2Ecom% 2Fclick%2Easp%3Faid%3D1298602716&st=feed&mt=~~~~~~~~n~~~).

Download it here:


Guide to install CmosPwd and remove password:

1. Download & extract to a folder. I put it in drive D like this: d:\ cmos
2. To work on cmos memory, ioperm need to be installed and running. ioperm gives direct port I/O access for specified ports to user-mode process (ring 3 (http://viglink.pgpartner.com/rd.php?r=402&m=1052634240&q=n&rdgt=1356362160&it=1356534960&et=1356966960&priceret=6.76&pg=~~3&k=4693c613bd90121ad8fd726a90468cc4&source=feed&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB000CSZ I84%2Fref%3Dasc%5Fdf%5FB000CSZI842317484%3Fsmid%3D ATVPDKIKX0DER%26tag%3Dpg%2D46%2D01%2D20%26linkCode %3Dasn%26creative%3D395097%26creativeASIN%3DB000CS ZI84&st=feed&mt=~~~~~~~~n~~~)) using Ke386SetIoAccessMap and Ke386IoSetAccessProcess kernel functions.

Log on to Windows as Administrator priviledges and do as follow: (see picture):

a. Click Start-->Run: type CMD hit Enter on your keyboard.
b. now us the CD command of Dos to come to d:\cmos\windows. (here is: d: hit enter; cd cmos hit enter; cd windows hit enter).
c. when you are already in d:\cmos\windows in drive D then: type “ioperm.exe –i” hit enter.
d. to start ioperm service: type “net start ioperm” hit enter.
e. ok, type: “Cmospwd_win.exe /k” hit enter, we will see:

1 - Kill cmos
2 - Kill cmos (try to keep date and time)
0 - Abort
Choice :

Type 1 and hit Enter to clear cmos.


f. run the Acer eSettings Management program: start-->program-->Acer Empower Technology-->Acer eSettings Management.


g. now come to the: Bios Password to see: if you still see password enable, that means we fail but if we see they are Disable so we are done. Remember if we success remove password then we have to create a password for it and then remove it and click Apply to save to cmos memory. This is very important because sometimes we see it Disable but when reboot the computer they are Enable again cuz the password is still in the CMOS.


SUMBER : MyDigitalLife Forums (http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/2299-Guide-to-remove-BIOS-password-of-Acer-computer-(Both-Laptop-amp-Desktop)) (Click link ntuk lebih details)
Cuba cara nih..Ntuk lebih lanjut, sila ke MyDigitalLife, kat dlm tuh dorang bincangkan tentang benda nih...
So far, ramai user guna cara nih berkesan...

Young Woon Jaejoong
25-12-12, 08:06 PM
@budakhijau, skrg kalau situasi saudara mmg tak boleh access window atau log on window mmg mencabut cmos battery lah jawapannya untuk mereset mobo ngn bios password skali..sbb aku berdepan ngn masalah ni mmg dari dulu lagi ngn laptop member yang nak diformat...tapi kena buka casing laptop..pasal buka casing laptop tu refer Pak cik google...semoga berjaya...

25-12-12, 10:07 PM
tq smua, sy dah cr kat google, dia srh remove battery cmos. sy dh buat tp sm jgk.. on je notebook, "enter current password". lps 3x, system will halt!!:upset:

25-12-12, 11:50 PM
@ Eddyz-Kenpachihttp://www.syok.org/new/images/icons/crown.png (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?72264-Eddyz-Kenpachi), good post tetapi malangnya OP tak beritahu samada "BIOS Administrative Password" atau " BIOS Upon Boot Password (Anti-Theft)" atau "Hard Disk Password" atau "Login Password" yang beliau tak ingat. Rasanya beliau tak boleh login dan tersekat dengan Anti-Theft Password.
Eddyz pun nk tau gak cara nk reset password yg ada kat BIOS..Search google, jumpa 1 forum berkenaan benda nih..
Berminat nk ingin tahu hasilnya, tuh yg tempek kat sini suruh tuan tanah cuba... :lol:

Kalo melekat kat Anti-Theft mmg xleh nk buat apa dah ker?

26-12-12, 04:46 AM
mcm bahaya je sham... :lol:

26-12-12, 11:38 AM
tq sham ats mklumat yg sgt berguna ni, sy cb... dh jd mcm ni kn ambil risiko ckt...

26-12-12, 11:52 AM
hg pi set pc hg macam mna?

26-12-12, 12:23 PM
Terbaek penjelasan dari brother sH@m (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?127916-sH-m) ..Dapat belajar 1 ilmu yg berguna...Lepas nih dah tau dah cmna nk atasi kalo ada masalah cmnih.. :lol:

1 more thing nk tanya brother sH@m (http://www.syok.org/new/member.php?127916-sH-m), setiap mobo laptop ada RTC_RST tuh ker?

Pargon X
26-12-12, 01:04 PM
sham memang advance bab2 pc ni. semua benda dlm paler dia jer :lol: